Infracciones de tráfico
Traffic tickets in the City of Ithaca that are not misdemeanors. Your ticket may include up to 5 violations labeled A through E. Infracciones de tráfico The violations may be civil and criminal. Be sure you read both sides of your ticket and this page. Civil traffic violations may be paid on or before the court date on your ticket without having to appear in court; however, if the court does not receive your payment prior to your court date, and you do not appear on your court date, then the court may take further actions. If you have any criminal/criminal traffic violations you must appear in court on the date and time on your ticket. Your failure to appear may result in a warrant for your arrest. If you post the required bond by the due date given on the citation, there is no further action required on your part. The bond amount for a non-criminal offense must be paid in full. Partial payments are not accepted. After hours, on weekends and holidays you may deposit your bond in the drop box located in the entryway of the court building.
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