Traffic tickets
When you receive a ticket, you should also receive directions on how to pay or contest the fine. Most tickets have contact information on the back. Be sure to completely read all of the information and follow the directions given. Traffic tickets that are issued outside of New York City are processed in the criminal or traffic court of the city, county, town, or village where the alleged offense took place. To answer these, contact the local court directly. The first type of ticket has the word "COURT" in the box located on the ticket. When you get this type of ticket, you cannot pay it online and you must appear in court on the date indicated in the ticket. The Traffic Violation Bureau is a General Sessions Office responsible for processing the citations issued by various law enforcement agencies for the violation of Metro ordinances and/or State motor vehicle codes. Scheduling court dates, maintaining the citation record and collecting all fines and fees are among several of the various duties and functions of the office.
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