Tickets traffic

Welcome to San Diego Superior Court's Tickets traffic and Minor Offense Division. This Division has jurisdiction over Vehicle Code violations, some local municipal ordinances, infractions, and minor misdemeanors. These offenses may include Fish and Game, Animal Control and transit violations (e.g. San Diego Trolley violations).
If you received a citation/ticket, you may receive a reminder notice from the court in the mail. This may be your first contact with the Traffic Court process. Most questions will be answered by information provided on the notice. If you have not received your notice,
The officer will ask for your driver’s license, your car’s registration, and your proof of insurance and may ask you to step outside your car. If the officer charges you with a violation, he or she will present a “Notice to Appear” listing the charges and ask you to sign the form. Signing the “ticket” is not an admission of guilt but is a promise to appear in the listed court no later than the listed date. If you refuse to sign the ticket the officer is required by law to take you into custody and present you before a judge for arraignment on the charges.


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